몰디브 비상사태 관련 타지엑조티카 공문

smart 2018-02-06 조회 1,458

Greetings from Taj Exotica Resort & Spa, Maldives and trust you are keeping well.


Despite all the recent publicized news concerning political unrest in Maldives, Taj Exotica Resort & Spa Maldives assures that these will not have any impact on our guests. These activities are concentrated only in the capital city - Male’, which is a separate island far off from our island resort. There are no political strife happening even at this point in Male City, everything is running with normalcy.


Resort guests will be met by our airport representatives upon arrival and escorted to the speedboat. The speedboat will transport the guests directly to the resort, bypassing Male’ which is located on another island 700 meters from the airport island. Please find below the map which will provides a clearer understanding of our explanation.


Rest assured, Taj is highly committed to undertake all security measures for our guests safety and continue to provide the impeccable service the group has been known for.





Warm regards,


Mayank Mittal

Sales Manager

Taj Exotica Resort & Spa, Maldives


P.O. Box 2117, South Mal? Atoll,

Republic of Maldives

Tel +960 6642200| Mobile +960 7966424 | Tajhotels.com

